Security Cameras
ASA Charter School is committed to providing a safe and secure school for all of our pupils and staff, we regularly video record during the school day, after hours and on weekends. To effectuate the School’s goals to ensure the health and safety of all students and staff, and to protect school property, the School has installed digital security camera systems on our school site. The system does not monitor classrooms, except those located in the computer lab. Security cameras concentrate on entry and exit areas, hallways, library, cafeteria, playgrounds, parking lots and other areas of the school that are subject to damage, graffiti or the unauthorized entry of persons or groups. We are working closely with local law enforcement agencies to assist us. All cameras are being installed in easily seen locations and there are no “hidden” cameras. Only authorized site administrators, security and law enforcement personnel have access to the camera images
Unlike the above media policies, there is no opt out policy for security camera recording. I understand that the surveillance cameras are used to ensure the health and safety of all students and staff and to protect school property.