Mrs. Candis Tucker » Posts


DIY #1
Ingredients for Homemade butter
* heavy cream
* small mason jar
* salt
What you will do it start with pouring the heavy cream half way full and add a teaspoon of salt. Place the lid tightly onto the mason jar and begin shaking. Shake the jar continuously, this may take a while so be patient and keep shaking. You will start to feel and see when it starts to thicken, but continue shaking. Once you see that it is a big clump, there might be a little bit of water or milk like substance that is called buttermilk. Just pour that out and shake a little bit more. Once this is done you will have home made butter and now you can try it on a piece of bread or toast and you can refrigerate to make more firm. I hope you enjoyed this fun activity and you see how easy it is to make butter. The next time you run out of butter just let mom know that you can make some 😊